I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!
I apologise for taking so long in between my blogs but I have been extremely busy!!!! That makes me soooo happy to be able to say that!!! I had spent months just sitting and laying around with no energy to do much of anything. There were times over this last year if I was able to shower my self during the day I felt like I had accomplished a full days work!!!! The Lord has blessed me beyond measure!!! I was able to do all the Christmas shopping I normally do, I was able to attend our Church Christmas play, I've cooked and even done a little cleaning (Punky still does most of the cleaning for me).
All of my kids were at the house Monday night to celebrate Christmas together. Wendell and Kiah had went shopping that day and didn't get back until the other kids were arriving, which left me to cook the dinner. I had not cooked a meal since "pre cancer"!!!! I informed them before they fixed their plates that they might have to go to Sonic when they left the house, I wasn't guaranteeing anything!!! But to my surprise the meal was very good!!!!
Wendell, the girls, Aaron and I spent Christmas Eve, day, at home, opening our gifts from each other and just having a good time laughing and being together.
We spent Christmas Eve, evening, at Billy and Jeans, having dinner with Wendell's side of the family. Before prayer Billy always asks if anyone has anything to say. Jean said she was thankful that I was there this Christmas, which started my water works, then Wendell spoke which made them flow even more. It was pretty emotional. I felt so blessed to be able to feel well enough to not only be present for Christmas but to really enjoy it. The Lord has been soooo good to me.
Christmas day my extended family came to our house for Christmas dinner. A couple of months ago I would not have thought it would be possible for me to have all my family over to my house for Christmas, but the Lord has brought me a long way in the last few months. I was exhausted when it was over but as corny and cliche' as it may sound I felt so blessed to be able to be here and be able to get exhausted. All the work was truly a blessing. I can't help but think of the people I know, my age or younger, who were diagnosed with cancer after me, and are not here to spend Christmas with their families. I don't know why or understand the Lord's grace to me. I feel so undeserving of His goodness, but am so thankful for it. I have spent a lot of time lately thinking back over this past year and all He has brought me through. I have thought about how I can't even begin to imagine going through the trials in this life without knowing Him. In our darkest times, when we were at our lowest points, because of Him, we could still look up and have hope. Even if things don't work out the way we want or understand we still have that promise that "all things work together for good, to those that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." I still don't always understand but I still choose to trust.
The last time my Mom was at my house was Christmas Day last year. I can still see her walking in carrying her clothes basket filled with different dishes. I couldn't help but feel sad, wishing that she were here. Mom always made the dressing, Kim has took on that obligation now. She tried to make it as close to Moms as she could. I can't eat dressing now so I didn't try it but it looked just like what Mom always made. Dad still deep fried the turkey just like he and Mom have always done and it was delicious.
I have a PET scan scheduled for this Wednesday, December 30th. Please help us to pray that the Lord's will will be done in this, and above all, that His grace will be sufficient for me, no matter what the result.
Thank you once again for your faithfulness to pray for me and my family.
So happy you all had a great Christmas. This year for you and your family has been so very difficult in so many ways. We are so thankful you made it through all your surgeries and treatments and you are here with us. Each time we are together you look so good and that makes us happy for you.
We love you,
Merry Christmas 2009
Looks like ya'll had a good time! Happy New Year!
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