Michael & Stephanie
Josh, Misty & Renea
Aaron & Punky
Teresa, Me, Kim & Dad
Jason, Elijah, Lucas, Teresa, Seth, Owen, Chris, Charlie, Rachel, Abbey, Kira, Misty, Mckensie & Malachi
Robbie, Kelvey, Kim & Meagan
Wilson, Ron, Bob & Jack
Maurice, Marcus, Bonnie, Carson, Talisha & Camden
Wendell, Stephanie, Punky, Kiah, Aaron & I got up, took showers and left the house by 3:00 a.m.on Friday, Black Friday, to go shopping. Call us crazy, I know, but it has became a family tradition for us and we have a blast!!! It all started years ago when Wendell and I had a financially rough year and had not bought any Christmas presents until he recieved a bonus from his job right before Thanksgiving. We were so excited we couldn't sleep and woke up at 3:00 a.m. and decided to go shopping!!! That was the beginning of a family tradition. Now that the kids are all older we never really have an agenda or go for any item in particular, we just go for the fun of it!!! A few weeks ago I would never have dreamed I would have been well enough or would have had the strength to have made this shopping trip!!! For the last few days I have been amazed at the health and strength the Lord has blessed me with!!!! I can't thank or praise Him enough!!! He has brought me so far!!! I can't help but think, "Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy name." What a great and merciful God we serve!!! Family members that I haven't seen, since my hospital stay at Vanderbilt, until Thanksgiving, were amazed at my progress. To God be all the glory!!!!
Our dear friend Mrs. Adkisson was laid to rest today. She looked absolutely beautiful, as always!!! Her service was such a blessing. I sat there listening to Bro. Parrot and Bro. Jones speak of her and the wonderful testimony she had and it made me think how I would love to leave this life with such a testimony!!!! She was a wonderful wife, Mother, friend and child of God. She so loved life and lived it joyfully, but nothing down here can compare to the life and joy she is living now. Please remember her family and loved ones in prayer. The void her passing has left will not be an easy one to get through. She will be greatly missed.
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