The first week after returning home I spent most of my time sleeping and taking pain meds every couple of hours. I could drink fairly well. As far as eating goes… If I could get a tablespoon of soup juice down twice a day I was doing well! Oral surgery is wonderful for portion control!!!
Wendell, Stephanie and I made the trip to Brentwood, outside of Nashville, to Dr. Clayton, the prosthodentist, on Wednesday April 1st. Stephanie was all about going to see “the hole”!!! Dr. Clayton had a time getting the wires lose from my teeth, gums and roof of my mouth. Stephanie was all eyes. Wendell was not. When he finally got all the wires out and the obturator pulled down off my teeth he could not get it out of my mouth. There I sat with this big thing stuck in my mouth, trying not to gag, and thinking there’s no way it was coming out. But after much pulling, tugging, bleeding, and praying he got it. All the pink bubble gum looking stuff was what was stuck in the hole.
Stephanie was no longer all eyes!!! She was as white as Joshua Poland’s legs!!! The nurse had to bring her a little candy bar and something to drink to keep her from passing out!!! She then decided she would wait in the waiting room for us!!! Such a Trooper!!!!
Well after grinding the obturator down quite a bit he got it back in and had me take it out and put it in. I was only able to get it in once, he had to do it the other times, so I didn’t have much confidence in my ability to do it at home.
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